Tuesday 5 January 2010

New Year and already going so wrong…

Well, 2010 and already broken so many new year's resolutions!

The snow is piling up by the foot; it’s depressing, being stuck inside for several weeks because of the fun stuff that seemed so cool when it first arrived and is now such an annoyance! My sister and I decided to trek down to the local shop for supplies (gah! what a palaver), it was chaos. Feeling like a walking snowman, trying not to slip on the half-melted slush and walking past mountains of snow left by the snowploughs….it was hard to tell whether or not there was a car underneath (in one case there was!).

And just when you think you’re going to go stir crazy, there’s an old film on the tv…a rare occasion this year, all that seems to be on is utter crap! I think the best thing that was on was Spirited Away (a fab film form Hayao Miyazaki) and the final David Tennant Doctor Who…oh and the strange remake of Day of the Triffids. That was a weird one, Eddie Izzard being type casted as the eccentric/evil character.

Well, the hope for this year being better than the last is building up with questions. Will I keep my new year’s resolutions? Will I be able to do the things I want to this year? Will I be able to resist buying anymore manga when I walk into Waterstones? Personally I hope so but the chances are growing slim…well, fingers crossed!great

Happy New Year!

Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas time is here by golly...

Possibly not a Tom Lehrer moment...okay so maybe it is:

"On Christmas day you can't get sore
Your fellow man you must adore
There's time to loath him all the more
The other 364!"

So this year hasn't had much cause for this verse, it's more "we all go together when we go" with the recession (possibly ending? possibly getting worse? who knows!) and various disasters, and to top it off, the snow!

The whole country grinds to a halt because of a few inches of snow! The hope of a white christmas pulling everyone together and driving them to travel to their loved ones through hell and high water....hell hath frozen over and still they travel! It's ridiculous, but give them credit for their determination, it's all that'll keep them going (that and all request Chris Evans). Although I do love the stories of hope and togetherness that surface around this time of year. For example: A call came out on the radio for a jump-lead for two men who had helped 10 people get their cars going on a snowy main road. Ironically their van had broken down in the process and a family they'd helped had put out the call. It warms the heart!

Well, it looks to be a white Christmas in Scotland and so it seems to be rather cold (i.e -9 at midday!!), maybe the champagne would do better outside than in...it would definately save on electricity! It's definately something to look forward to in the coming days.

So this Christmas it's a time for togethernes and family, if not it's a time for sitting on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate and all the old christmas movies (yes, I know they're cheesy but it's christmas). You know! It's a Wonderful Life, Home Alone, Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas, the list goes on and they live on.

So Merry Christmas!